Impact on Poverty
Impact on Poverty
To be a leading community partner that actively connects residents to resources that remove economic and social barriers.
Objective 2A:
Support education, training, and job readiness for target populations.
- 1. Percent reduction of disconnected youth.
Target: 30%
- 2. Number of TFLA participants that have moved on to higher education, trade school, certification programs, or military over a five-year period.
Target: 500
- 3. Number of TEMPO participants enrolled in a technical college or higher education institution over a five-year period.
Target: 150
- 4. Number of TEMPO participants that have found employment paying a “fair” or “living wage” over a five-year period. Target: 100
- 5. Number of TEMPO participants completing a GED over a five-year period. Target: 150
- 6. Percent increase in teen program participation at the Palmer-Munroe Teen Center. Target: 3% annually
- 1. Enhance partnerships with community reentry programs.
- 2.Promote the City’s Explore Program and Junior Cadet Program.
- 3. Host annual job fair.
- 4. Continue providing free bus passes to our area’s K-12 students.
Objective 2B:
Rehabilitate and enhance the existing housing inventory to reduce the cost of living.
- 1. Number of homes served annually by energy efficiency grants, audits, and rebates to improve affordability and reduce homeownership housing costs.
Target: 6,000
- 2. Number of homes rehabilitated and/or receiving emergency repair. Target: 425
- 1. Convert vacant student housing units into affordable housing units by working with Community Land Trust.
Objective 2C:
Facilitate and encourage the construction of affordable housing units.
- 1. Number of new affordable homes or rental units built through the Community Land Trust. Target: 35
- 2. Number of new homes built as a result of inclusionary housing programs. Target: 60
- 3. Number of Habitat for Humanity homes built by City employees. Target: 10
- 4. Number of down payment assistance grants awarded, creating pathways to home ownership. Target: 125
- 5. Secure funding for Purpose Built Community and redevelopment of an additional 200 dwelling units at the Orange Avenue Housing Complex.
- 1. Increase residential density within City limits.
Objective 2D:
Support community health and wellness initiatives.
- 1. Percent of residents living within 1 mile of a fresh food source. Target: 100%
- 2. Create performance matrix to measure Return on Investment (ROI) for Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP) by 2024.
- 1. Leverage community resources to increase access to recreational
facilities and programs.
- 2. Cultivate partnerships to further the implementation of wellness programs.